A Comprehensive Guide to Gynecomastia

Fit,Man,Jogging,On,The,Beach.,Mid,Adult,Fitness,Man Gynecomastia is a condition that results in the over-development of male breasts and is caused by localized fat or glandular tissue. While it’s often not painful, this condition can make it difficult to participate in certain activities due to discomfort. Furthermore, it can also lead to feelings of self-consciousness, causing many men to avoid social events and physical intimacy.

Gynecomastia does not require treatment; however, many men opt for it to improve their comfort and confidence. If you believe you may have enlarged male breasts, understanding your condition can help you move forward and determine if treatment is right for you.

What Are Common Causes of Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia most often occurs due to hormonal changes–such as during puberty, health conditions, and certain medications. However, it can sometimes be hereditary.

If you’re experiencing gynecomastia due to puberty, your breast tissue will likely reduce as your hormones begin to balance out. In addition, gynecomastia caused by medications should begin to reduce following cessation of the prescription.

Determining the cause of your gynecomastia is important as it can help your doctor determine if treatment is necessary. If your condition is likely temporary, they may recommend waiting and reassessing at a later time.

Treatment of Gynecomastia

Once the male breasts are fully developed, and as long as the condition is not temporary, male breast reduction or liposuction may be recommended. In some cases, a combination of the two may be used. Precise treatment may depend on the amount and type of tissue that requires removal.

Liposuction can effectively reduce fatty tissue through small incisions in the nipples or underarm area. Breast tissue can be more effectively removed through male breast reduction, which has a longer recovery time.

Contact Dr. Earl E. Ferguson III Today

If you believe you may have gynecomastia, schedule an appointment with Dr. Earl E. Ferguson III. During your initial consultation, he will perform an exam, discuss your family and medical history, and provide you with a professional diagnosis. We will address your concerns and help you decide the best path for you. Contact us online or call our office at 210-290-9078 to learn more about our gynecomastia services in San Antonio, TX.

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